Data security

PRMA Consulting is proud to have been awarded ISO27001 and CSA Star certifications, global standards that recognize our commitment to cloud security, safeguarded information management, and protection of your business data.

Global assurance

Built on over 100 systemized controls that are recognized in over 140 countries, our ISO27001 certification confirms not only the continual improvements that we make in cloud computing and infrastructure development, but also our organization-wide ability to deliver reliability and quality
in every client engagement.

UKAS accreditation recognises that we are competent to perform specific processes and activities in a reliable and accurate manner. Accreditation delivers confidence in certificates and conformity statements. It underpins the quality of results by ensuring their traceability, comparability, validity and commutability.

The Cloud Security Alliance Security, Trust, Assurance and Risk (CSA STAR) certification scheme is a rigorous third-party independent assessment of the security of a Cloud service provider (CSP).

Our commitment to excellence protects your reputation

Company-wide, we are committed to providing an exceptional and consistent service to all our clients. With our ISO27001 and CSA Star awards you can be assured that your data are secure so you can focus on carrying out “business as usual”.


Gain confidence from our ISO27001 certification


To help you deliver your desired business results, our market access digital applications have capacity to manage significant amounts of data. The security of your information is paramount to us, as demonstrated by the internationally recognized ISO27001 certification.


The comprehensive ISO27001 compliant policies and procedures encompass all physical, technical, and legal controls involved in our information risk-management processes. This includes the security of assets such as your intellectual property, financial information, and your employee details.


CSA Star certification provides assurance of our ability to deliver secure cloud services


CSA STAR certification demonstrates that a CSP’s governance and control of cloud security is robust. It is the only comprehensive framework of cloud-specific security controls that is mapped to leading standards, best practices, and regulations. It is considered an essential standard for cloud security assurance and compliance.

Our dedicated IT team are accomplished
in delivering enriched digital user
experiences for leading international organizations, and ensure you capitalize
on our digital applications.

Onisim Gabrian, Director of Product Management

Certification reinforces our clients’ confidence in our cloud services, information governance, and data protection, which provide secure storage and access to assets through a world-class user experience.

Jayne Sykes, Partner

You have a vision; we are the consulting partner that will get you there.
We would be delighted to have a confidential conversation about your market access needs.